
Thank you for your interest in Cottage by Design. My products are made by me, by hand, one at a time with attention to detail. Being a "cottage" business, I am able to give you exactly what you need. It's a new way of shopping... a customized experience that precisely provides what you are looking for. Get the right item, in the right fabric, with the right specifications. I take great pride in what I do. My goal is to meet or exceed your expectations. I welcome custom orders. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I look forward to us building a rapport...

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Sunflowers and Mary Engelbreit inspired pillows

So a client recently asked me if I could help her with a project. A close friend of hers had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was going through chemo. Could I help make something to brighten up her home, and by extension, her mood and outlook during this trying time? "Absolutely!" was my response. 

My task was to make a few pillows. The inspiration? Sunflowers and Mary Engelbreit. When I think of Mary Engelbreit, I think checks, ticking stripes, clear bright colors in red, green, golden yellow, and black. Down to earth, unassuming, friendly and approachable. So out to my stash of fabrics and trims I went to look for what I might have that would work. This is what I started with...

green red gold and black cottons

I asked for some clarification just to make sure that I was on the right track... "This work?"

"Yes," she replied. "But don't forget the sunflowers." How do I make a sunflower inspired pillow design? After playing around with some fabric, I came up with something that I think will work....

The sunflower above is the first one I made. Maybe a little tweaking needed? The one in the group below was my second attempt. I thought it was a better "fit" with the style of the others.

 I hope they bring her lots of cheer and she is reminded of her dear friend that loves her...